Venue Location

Venue Details

Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts

General Details

Parking location map link: Parking and Directions | Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts ( Parking is available in the lots and side streets surrounding the BCPA on a first come, first serve bases. Activities in the adjacent downtown, campus, and residential neighborhoods mean that traffic and parking congestion can occur, especially at our most popular events. Arrive early and allow ample time to be seated in the auditorium
Accessible Seating - The Box Office/Accessible entrance is located at the Southeast corner of the BCPA under the marquee lit awning. Special seating and assistance are available for patrons in wheelchairs or with other special needs. Please notify the Box Office of any accessibility needs when purchasing tickets. local: (309) 434-2777 or toll free: 866-686-9541
The BCPA reserves the right to hold late seating based on the artist preference or until it is determined that late seating will be the least disruptive to the artists and our audiences.

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